Product Details
Name: DNAM
Shape and Size: Almost identical to a card and 4mm in thickness.
Components: In-planted micro-chip with DNA reader.
Design: Changeable.
List down the project objectives
To ease the everyday lives of people by having essential functions, all accessible through Wi-Fi, with the DNAM. Thus with the DNAM people do not need to carry more than one item for different uses, as most of the needed functions is already in one card. Also by any chance that the owner lost his or her card the product has a function that does not allow personal information and related items to be leaked or stolen. Not only is the DNAM handy, it will also be made available almost anywhere so one can purchase the card if he lose his own.
Scoping of the project
Estimated duration:
The whole project will take at least 5 years to complete the trials and official start up. But making the product commercialized, countries all over the world will have to take part and use this product thus that process is estimated to take around 8 to 10 years. As for planning, brainstorming and researching of the product, it will be conducted for at least 1 to 2 months.
Estimated cost:
Cost of machine: $2000 ~ $3000
Cost of card: $30 ~ $40
Cost of Machine (Includes Wi-Fi to connect to database of profiles and records): $5000
Cost of card (including chips and design): $72.90
Cost of temporary card: $40.90
Salaries for workers: $30000(annually)
The cost of production and selling price will reduce as more countries adopt the product as the production will be done in masses.
Responsibility matrix: Project leader – to organize the group in bringing information and integrating them together for the completion of the project. The Leader has to make sure that the group works together to bring the best possible outcome for the project. The project leader also has to strengthen the relationship of the group.
Designer – the designer will have to research and come out with a suitable design that incorporates the project details. The designer also has to create a design that will benefit the product in sales. The designer not only has the job of designing but he also has to feedback and give suggestions for the project as not everything stated in the project can be incorporated in the design.
Accountant – the accountant has the responsibility to keep the project’s financial side in checked. To see if the project is over-spending the budget or still has much to spare. The accountant also has to keep records of what the project requires as in money and resources. The accountant has the job of informing the project leader of any potential ways of spending lesser or to be more economical.
Scheduler – the scheduler is the one who keep track of the progress of the project. He also records the time taken for the completion of certain important parts of the project and lets the project leader know if more time will be beneficial or too much time is spent on those parts. The scheduler also does future planning for the time frame of the project and keeps the project group in check that if we are following the schedule.
Current issues:
Deoxyribonucleic acid D.N.A - The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints, like a recipe or a code.
Credit Cards - Buy goods and based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods. A credit card gives the owner the ability to borrow money for payment or as cash in advance.
EZ-link –
· All public buses , MRT and LRT
· Food & Beverage
· Leisure & Entertainment
· Government Services
· Community Clubs
· Self Services Machines, photo copying Machines and Photo Printing Services
Passport –
· Help to prevent forgery and minimize the abuse of Singapore passports.
· Biometric passport contains 64 pages unlike the machine readable passports which contains 96 pages.
· Costs S$80 for a passport.
Man power requirements: For planning and starting face of this project only the four in this project team is required. But as the project progress into the production stage manpower will be required for manufacturing and further research and development.
Resources requirements:
(i) Sponsors (e.g. Government agencies, medical organizations, scientific research groups)
(ii) Software to design the card and the card reader (e.g. AutoCAD)
(iii)Machine to manufacture/build the card
(iv) Materials for the card (Polyvinyl chloride acetate [PVCA] for main body of the card, DNA chip used for scanning and WI-FI)
(v) Technology for DNA scanning (Microarray Scanner with SureScan Technology)
Security measures: to prevent other users from stealing the owner’s information and belongings, after scanning the DNA, the user must draw a pattern that matches what he or she had previously programmed. Upon reporting, the owner’s site can be closed and traces can be made if anyone tried to access the owner’s site, through WI-FI. Even though given strong security, the owner can choose to set locks of various links at any sensitive locations. As we are working with various companies, the companies will have or had devised a method of protection for the information that belongs to them.
Audience needed of notice: The government, banking companies, credit card companies and the customs from different countries.
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